
Newnan's Lake 15K

This morning was really cold. Ice on the grass cold as Kim and I made our way to Powers Park and the start line for the Newnan's Lake 15K. I guess there was probably about 100 other crazy people out there, braving the freezing temps. I'm sure most of these people are training for their own personal goals and I was no different. Today was my last chance this month to complete a race and move towards my goal of at least one race each month this entire year.
Kim and I started pretty strong, but then realized that 15K is pretty far. We were towards the end of the pack for most all of the race, but we kept our pace and both of us finished in under 2 hours. My time was 1:50:50, and if my calculations are accurate, I think that I might be able to do the Princess Half in about 2:45!
The route took us from Powers Park on Hawthorne Road, down to Lakeshore Drive, where we ran along Newnan's lake then out to University Ave and turn around and head back the way we came. Other than the sub-arctic temps, the weather was amazing. Watching the morning sun as it reflected off of the water, was amazing. I felt like we all were part of a priviledged group that was lucky enough to experience Mother Nature's gifts. While the rest of the city was sleeping in their warm beds, they were missing out on true beauty. There was even a crew team on the water for their morning practice.
The last 3 miles or so, I picked up a second wind and pushed my self to the finish. I left Kim behind me, but not by much. She is a machine! This was only her second organized race and her first was the 5K last weekend. Her goal was to finish in under 2 hours and she accomplished it by finishing in 1:56 (I think it was her time)
What a great start to a chilly Saturday!


A Personal Goal for 2009

My personal goal for this year is to run in a race every month in 2009. My January race was going to be the NuNu 5K on January 24th, but I didn't get relieved at work until 0830, which is when the race started. My friend Kim was running in it with me, so I had to call her and tell her I wasn't going to make the start. She was disappointed, but I showed up anyway and ran the race from the finish line backwards to the start until I caught up with her and I finished the run with her.
To make up for not actually competing in this race, I signed up for a 15K this Saturday and since I don't work Friday, I will be able to make the start. I am excited about this race, and feel that I have been running strong lately.
My February race is probably going to be the 5 points of life 5K, but I haven't signed up for it yet. For March, I am running in the Disney Princess's Half Marathon with my sister and cousin. April is the Iron Girl 10K, which happens to be the first organized race I ever did. I'm still looking around for May, but hopefully, I'll be able to coincide that race with my 34th birthday.
I will definitely keep updating about my races.
Wish me luck!

Firetrucks are not 4x4s

Last night, well actually this morning, at 4:30 am, we get paged out to a medical call. After leaving the patient's house, our driver was attempting to turn around in the front yard when he got into some sugar sand. Being from Florida, this is a regular occurence, especially if you spend any time at the beach. And you know how much it sucks when you get your own car stuck in the sand. Now imagine that you are driving a fire truck.
Fire trucks are large in nature, but now pack a couple hundred pounds of equipment, another couple hundred pounds of hose, and 4 people and their gear. Sounds like it could be pretty heavy, right? There's more.
One gallon of water weighs 8.3 pounds, we have 1000 gallons on our truck. That is 8300 pounds! All of this weight and it's no wonder we got stuck. No, not stuck, we had the back end buried all the way to the axles! Not much you can do at this point except wait. Wait for someone to come pull you out. Easier said than done. It's easy to pull a car or truck out, but an over 12,000 pound fire engine, this requires heavy machinery. And that is exactly what came to our rescue - A grater tractor. It took him all of 15 seconds to pull us out and we were back in service.
We had to call this poor guy from the city and wake him up early, so he could come rescue us. When he saw us buried in these people's front yard, he laughed. I have to admit I was laughing too. So, needless to say, I have been up since 4:30 this a.m., and it is 12:45pm currently.


Happy New Year's and the Resolutions

First of all, Happy New Year's to all of my friends.
2009 is upon us and naturally we are somewhat obligated to make the ever popular new year's resolutions......
Resolution #1 - Stop letting every little thing bother me. This is a major priority for me, because I think that my constant stressing will ultimately be my demise.
Resolution #2 - I need to be more disciplined when it comes to working out. That means if I have a run or workout scheduled for the day, get off my ass and do it!! No excuses.
Resolution #3 - Learn to say no. I've been trying to practice this, but I really need to start utilizing this very important step to my sanity.
Resolution #4 - Love my husband more and more each day. This should be an easy one.
Resolution #5 - Get rid of excess baggage. This means emotional and physical.
So, there we go, resolutions for 2009.
Now go out there and BE HAPPY!!!