
Happy New Year's and the Resolutions

First of all, Happy New Year's to all of my friends.
2009 is upon us and naturally we are somewhat obligated to make the ever popular new year's resolutions......
Resolution #1 - Stop letting every little thing bother me. This is a major priority for me, because I think that my constant stressing will ultimately be my demise.
Resolution #2 - I need to be more disciplined when it comes to working out. That means if I have a run or workout scheduled for the day, get off my ass and do it!! No excuses.
Resolution #3 - Learn to say no. I've been trying to practice this, but I really need to start utilizing this very important step to my sanity.
Resolution #4 - Love my husband more and more each day. This should be an easy one.
Resolution #5 - Get rid of excess baggage. This means emotional and physical.
So, there we go, resolutions for 2009.
Now go out there and BE HAPPY!!!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Happy New Year!

How funny that it wasnt the first one we spent together, though this was the first we spent flying down 301 running lights and sirens!

Wow the adventures we have had...